Disabling Barcode Detective on an IDVisor Smart V1/V2/Plus/S50

Disabling Barcode Detective on an IDVisor Smart V1/V2/Plus/S50

Disabling Barcode Detective

Enhanced ID Detection Service From Barcode Detective (formerly known as IDSentry)

TokenWorks ID Scanners now feature Barcode Detective. Barcode Detective is a new subscription service that will help detect fake IDS. Barcode Detective will identify many fake id formats, but not all.

When enabled and a US Driver’s license is scanned, the Barcode Detective shield on the main screen will indicate red, green, or yellow depending on the detection status. Green indicates a recognized valid IDformat, red indicates a known fake ID format, and yellow indicates a new, unrecognized, or under review ID format. 

For data security reasons, we understand that EIDS may not be allowed under certain circumstances and the service can easily be disabled if desired. The following guide goes through how to disable the service. 

Disabling Barcode Detective and Barcode Detective Prompts

Process for Disabling Barcode Detective on Each Scanner: 

Step 1) Turn on the scanner and proceed to the IDVisor IDScanner Home screen and press the “Setup” button

Step 2) Click Configuration on the Menu screen

Step 3) Enter PIN Code – you will be prompted to enter your PIN for the scanner. (The factory PIN is 5678). Then press “Submit”

Step 4) On the next screen, click “Advanced” on the bottom left of the screen

Step 5) Scroll down until you see “IDSentry Check”

Step 6) Click the “IDSentry Check” button to turn the service off

Step 7) After disabling IDSentry Check, press the back button on the IDVisor keyboard until you have returned to the home screen. 

Barcode Detective has now been turned off on your scanner. 

Disabling the Yellow Shield (unrecognized format/under review)

As we continue to update Barcode Detective you will see less yellow shield (unrecognized format) results.

If you would like to disable the Yellow Shield result when using Barcode detective please follow the steps below. 

Step 1) Click on "Setup".

Step 2) Tap on "Configuration".

Step 3) Tap on "Advanced".

Step 4) Look for "IDSentry Check" then select "Options".

Step 5) The Barcode Detective options will come up. Look for "Show Yellow Shield". 

Step 6) Uncheck the "Show Yellow Shield" option the tap "Save". This will stop showing Yellow Shield results. 

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