If you’re having an issue with a particular ID or know an ID is valid but is being reported as Fake by our Identifake system, you can report the scan to Tokenworks to investigate what is causing the issue with the ID.
NOTE: If the ID was previously scanned, please click here to see how to access past Identifake Results.
Step 1: On the Identifake Results window, select Report Scan.
Step 2: After selecting Report Scan, a pop-up window will appear asking if you would like to send the scan to Tokenworks. Select Send.
After selecting Send, there will be a progress circle indicating the ID is being sent.
Step 3: After the scan has been successfully sent, you will see a green check mark appear and a message saying Sent!
Tap Close once the Sent! Confirmation is received.
Step 4: After sending the scan to us, to more quickly and better assist you open a support ticket by clicking here.
Please addthe Business/Customer Name, and Type of ID being reported (e.g., State of ID, Military ID, or type of passport) on the ticket.
Once received and investigated, we will contact you with more details as soon as possible.