How to Scan A Passport

How to Scan A Passport

How to Scan A Passport

Below is a link to a video demonstration of how to use your IDVisor Smart ID Scanner to scan barcodes on driver’s licenses and MRZs on Passports.

You can test your scanner on sample barcode and MRZ included in this document.

Click on the example barcode or passport images below to enlarge them and allow for easier scanning off of your computer.


Sample Barcode – click to enlarge image and allow for easier scanning


To read a passport, follow the example in demonstration image below

Click the image below to enlarge the sample passport.

Make sure to point your scanner at the center of the MRZ located at the bottom of the passport, as shown in the image above.

You may need to adjust the tilt of the scanner to adjust for glare from the computer screen.

Sample Passport – click to enlarge image and allow for easier scanning

Depending upon your computer screen, your ID scanner may have a hard time reading the sample barcode and MRZ — as an alternative, you can download this document with the link below and print it for test scanning.

How to Scan Passports with a Mobile ID Scanner


For Passport Cards with 2D Barcode above the MRZ Code

The PDF417 barcode MUST be covered up anytime you want to read MRZ. Otherwise the barcode will be read before the 3 line OCR.

I.E. Since the Mexican barcode is encrypted, the system will respond with a strange message like “barcode unrecognized”. This is true for lots of passports like IRAN and a couple other countries (see examples below).