How to Use Tagging and Tag lists on IDentiFake

How to Use Tagging and Tag lists on IDentiFake

Out of the box, the IDentiFake system comes with tagging functionality that allows the IDentiFake operator to tag scanned customers with various tag codes, as desired. There are several default tag codes (VIP, Banned, SOS, Member, etc) and custom tags can also be created as well. 

The next time the tagged ID is scanned, the IDentiFake will display the tag to notify the IDentiFake operator and the appropriate action(s) can then be taken by staff. 

How to Tag an ID on IDentifake

On the Main screen, you will find the Tag Detail section located to the left side of the screen. When an ID is scanned, this is the area where a tag notification will appear if any tags have previously been appended. 

In the Tag Detail section, there is also a "Click to Tag" button (shown below). After scanning an ID, click this button and select the desired tag. 

Tag Codes

There are several default Tag Codes that come preloaded on IDentiFake. To view, edit, and add new custom codes, navigate to the Data Screen:

Then push the "Tag Codes" button.  Here you will find the existing Tag Codes and you have the ability to edit and add new tags, as desired

Searching Customer List By Tag

You can search the Customer Database by Tag, to find all customers with the same tag (list of VIP customers for example)

To do so, from the "Data Screen" click the "Search" button. 

Then select "Filter by Tag" checkbox and select the desired Tag from the drop down menu

Importing a Tag List

You can upload an existing Tag List to the IDentiFake system. Note that the file must be in .csv format. 

To save the file on your IDentiFake, we first recommend saving the CSV file in either Google Drive, OneDrive, or other cloud storage service. Then using the browser on IDentiFake access your cloud storage and download the file to your IDentiFake. 

To upload a list, click the "Import Taglist" button on the "Data Screen", as shown below:

Then tap the "Import" button and select the appropriate folder location and file name for the list you wish to import

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