How to Use DMVCheck on IDVisor Smart V1/V2/Plus/S50

How to Use DMVCheck on IDVisor Smart V1/V2/Plus/S50

This article will provide a tutorial on how to use DMVCheck on an IDVisor Smart V1, V2, Plus, S50 and assumes that you already have an existing DMVCheck subscription. For a guide on setting up a subscription, please see this article.

DMVCheck Overview 

DMVCheck service cross-checks Driver Licenses, Driving Permits and Identification Cards issued by U.S. Jurisdictions against the DMV database. It provides you with the real-time capability to verify ID information against data from the issuing agency by verifying that the ID exists and returning true/false for ID attributes

Logging In & User Accounts

After setting up your DMVCheck account and subscription you will be able to verify the information from a scanned ID against the DMV database. 

NOTE: For a guide on setting up a subscription, please see this article.

The IDScanner screen now features a DMV section, highlighted in red on the image below. 

In order to use DMVCheck, you must log in to your DMVCheck account

Tap on the DMV Check icon and the following pop up window will appear:

Press the “LOGIN” button and sign in using the same credentials you used to set up your DMVCheck account.

User Accounts

As a best practice, we recommend each user your IDentiFake have their own DMVCheck User account, logging in and out, as appropriate. This provides the ability to set usage limits for each user and monitor their usage. For a tutorial on how to set up DMVCheck user accounts, please see this article and review the "Adding User Account" section.  

Performing a DMVCheck: 

Performing a DMV Check:

Running DMVCheck on an IDVisor Smart

After scanning an ID, running a DMVCheck on the ID is as simple as pressing the “DMV Check” button, seen highlighted in red below:

A pop up will then appear that will display your account information (email and credits) and a “Run DMV Check” button to confirm and submit the scanned ID’s information for comparison with DMV database records. 

The results of the DMVCheck will then be displayed. The interpretation of the results are discussed in a subsequent section of this guide. 

NOTE: If the “Run DMV Check” button is pressed prior to scanning an ID the following screen will appear 

DMVCheck Scan Result Screen

Failed DMV Check Scan Result:

Passed DMV Check Scan Result:

DMVCheck Results & Interpretation

DMVCheck provides you with the real-time capability to verify ID information against data from the issuing agency by verifying that the ID exists and returning true/false for matches of the following ID attributes:

     -  Document Number
     -  State Code 
     -  First Name
     -  Middle Name
     -  Last Name
     -  Name Suffix
     -  Street
     -  City
     -  State
     -  Zip Code
     -  Issue Date
     -  Expiration Date
     -  Eye Color
     -  Height
     -  Weight
     -  Gender

A verification request may contain any or all of the listed attributes for verification. To ensure privacy, DMV Verification does not return the actual data, only true/false responses for each field. 

Color-coded DMVCheck results will appear on IDentiFake for ease of use and display "Result" and "Score" values. 

The "Result" field is a True/False response on whether the submitted ID matches DMV records overall. 

The "Score" field provides a more granular response, where matches for each of the ID's attributes are considered.
  1. Score values range from 0 to 100 -- a DMV record match for each ID attribute contributes to a higher score.
  2. A score of 0 indicates that no ID attributes matched DMV records
  3. A score of 100 indicates that all attributes matched
  4. A score value of 70 or greater provides a DMVCheck "True" result
    1. An example of a score between 70 and 100 could be a customer that has recently moved and has not updated their ID yet. 

Supported States

Below is a Map of the US States that are currently available on the DMV database, as of early 2024.

DMVCheck is unavailable for use on IDs issued by any States shown in any color except dark green.

Attempts to run DMVCheck on IDs issued by a State that is not currently supported, the following message will be displayed:

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